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Unknown Armies - DO WHAT YOU WANT 'CAUSE A PIRATE IS FREE - Masterpost

DO WHAT YOU WANT 'CAUSE A PIRATE IS FREE was an eleven session playtest for the Brethren of the Curb, a Mak Attax successor conspiracy from the upcoming Special Orders book on Statosphere. The players were food truck pirates with a recipe for dumplings and a quest to make Salem the new Tortuga.
Photo by me, for once
I really overloaded the corkboard and the campaign took about twice as many sessions as I expected, but I enjoyed every one. Unknown armies takes a lot of work compared to something more pick up and play like Delta Green, but offers a much richer menu of options, both narratively and mechanically.
Here are the play reports for each session.
Writeups of game content (NPCs, factions, otherspaces, magic items et al) will either appear in the final Special Orders book, a separate book, or on this blog, depending on how well they fit into each one.


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