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Grace Kelly

I'm very much into bygone eras. I'm truly convinced I was born in the wrong decade. The 40's, 50's and 60's were most definitely my favorite time periods, but most notably the late 50's and early 60's. 
Grace Kelly has to be one of my favorites from the past. She is stunningly beautiful but also so very elegant. The way she dressed and the way she carried herself are truly inspirational. There are two very clear things I notice about Grace. 

The first, is that everything I have ever seen her in, is something I would wear presently. It is all extremely classic and ladylike. There's even a photo of her in a simple button down, denim and brown leather loafers...which is a trio of pieces I wear often.  She is also in a lot of neutrals such as cream, camel, navy, black, etc. It just goes to show that investing in classics and neutrals will not let you down! 

The second, is that you can clearly tell that Grace's clothes are always well tailored. I know I write about this a lot on Summer Wind, but I think a great tailor is highly underrated in today's society. Everything that comes 'off the rack' is made from a template. When you have your clothing tailored to your body, it instantly makes you look put together and chic (in my opinion). Having something tailored to fit you can even make something you thought you didn't like, turn into something that you absolutely love. 

Of course, I don't get everything tailored; It'd be too pricey to do that. I think tailoring key pieces like a little black dress, a gorgeous coat and the perfect pair of denim are all worth it, though. 

So those are my two takeaways from Grace Kelly: wear classics and have them tailored. I'm well on my way to being her, then, right? ;) One can dream. Have a fabulous day! 

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