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Ah sure there y'are now.

Just a very quick post to say hello to me regular oul' segoshas, and welcome to my new readers!

It's back to normality with a bang after our holiday of Californication. The trip was brilliant; I'll bore you to tears about it another time. I can't believe it's over, and I had the usual post-holiday comedown over the weekend, and now I don't know whether it's tomorrow or yesterday or what time zone I'm in.

I thought jet lag was supposed to be *less* severe on the return journey from the States?!

Anyway, normal sporadic service will resume shortly, but in the meantime if you're in the mood for a nose around someone else's gaff and would like a modern shabby chic fix, take a look at Emily's house tour over on Apartment Therapy. Here's her living room as a little taster:

I couldn't be dealing with that many cushions on a regular basis, but the look is lovely, no?

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