Ananya Panday’s cousin, Alanna Panday, is a social media influencer, just like the former. In her recent Instagram post, Alanna Panday opened up about the horrors of cyber-bullying where people send her death and rape threats on a daily basis. Ananya Panday, who has her own anti-bullying campaign also goes through bullying on a daily basis.
Alanna had posted a bikini picture on which a woman commented how she deserved to be gang-raped and had even tagged her parents so that they would read the comment too. The incident took place over a month ago, and she wishes that she had spoken sooner. She posted a note with the caption, “This happened months ago, I wish I had spoken about it sooner, but waking up and reading things like this just became normal to me-it’s an everyday part of my life. Here’s 1% of what I have to wake up and read everyday.”
Take a look at it.
More power to Alanna and all the other influencers who go through this on a daily basis.
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